Construction sites can be rather dangerous places, which is why it is incredibly important to follow all safety protocols and strategies. However, there are Summer Safety Tips that come into play when the temperatures creep upward in the summer. The appropriate summer safety tips can go a long way toward keeping you or your construction workers safe throughout the summer months. When you work in the hot sun all the time, it is possible to experience many negative consequences, such as heat stress.
Summer Safety Tips
Get Enough Sleep
It can be rather difficult to get enough sleep during the summer months because hot temperatures make it difficult to enter REM sleep. It is extremely important to ensure that you get enough sleep during this time. Not only is it critical to ensure that you have enough sleep for your health, but it is also important to ensure that your cognitive abilities function when working on a construction site. Try to get 8 hours of sleep a night and keep your bedroom as cool as possible to make it easier to sleep.
Use Sunscreen

Summer safety tipsincludes the regular application of sunscreen. When you don’t apply sunscreen prior to work, it is highly possible that you will get burnt. This will increase the likelihood of developing harmful effects, like skin cancer or other considerations. Sunburns are also incredibly uncomfortable and often painful.
Wear sunscreen regularly throughout the day and ensure that you reapply your sunscreen every few hours. It is often most effective to ensure that you apply your sunscreen approximately 30 minutes before you will be outside in order to provide optimal protection.
Take Care with Work Schedules
Working during the hottest part of the day can be incredibly dangerous. If you must work during this time, it will be incredibly important to take regular breaks and focus on your hydration. Working early in the morning or in the evening can help you to avoid the hottest parts of the day. This will go a long way toward helping to protect your safety during the summer months.
Wear Lighter Clothing
It is crucial to ensure that you wear lighter clothing when you work outside during the summer. This can go a long way toward reducing your temperature and keeping you more comfortable. However, you still need to ensure that you wear the appropriate protective gear, even when the temperatures are hot outside. Carefully plan what you will wear on the construction site during the summer months in order to effectively protect your health and keep you comfortable.
Take Enough Breaks
When you are working outside during the summer, it will be incredibly important to ensure that you take frequent breaks. This is especially important during the hottest parts of the day. You will also want to ensure that you drink water on your breaks in order to minimize the likelihood of dehydration and stay healthy through the hot temperatures. With adequate amounts of breaks, you will be able to cool down and prevent substantial issues.
Stay Hydrated
It is extremely important to ensure that you drink enough water when working outside during the summer. Sweat comes with a substantial amount of water and salt loss, which can have a vastly negative impact on your body. OSHA, for example, recommends that employees working outside in the summer have a drink every 15 minutes. It will be important to drink enough water around the clock, even when you aren’t working. This will go a long way toward protecting your health and ensuring that you stay hydrated.
Eat Healthily
Healthy and nutritious eating will go a long way toward protecting your health while working in the heat. While fatty foods can be tempting, it is important to choose lighter varieties. You should ensure that you add vegetables and fruits to your diet. These additions help to provide more nutrients, while simultaneously increasing your water consumption. This can help to prevent dehydration while improving your health.
Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion occurs when the body gets extremely hot and ultimately loses too much water and salt. When you experience the signs of heat exhaustion, you will need to take a break and ensure that you can reduce the likelihood of substantial issues. Drink water and make an effort to cool down your body. When you experience heat exhaustion, it is likely that your heart rate will increase and you will feel dizzy.
Nausea and extreme fatigue are also signs that you are beginning to experience heat exhaustion. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you need to take the steps to rest and allow your body to recover. It is critical to restore your body’s water and salt stores.
What is Heat Stroke? Construction Site Saftey Risks
Unlike heat exhaustion, heat stroke occurs when the body becomes overheated and is incapable of regulating its temperature. This can lead to many dangerous issues. When the signs of heat stroke arise, it is incredibly important to seek the appropriate medical attention to prevent substantial problems. The beginning stages of heat stroke often cause an individual to feel disoriented, along with the development of throbbing headaches.
It is also important to consider the condition of the skin when working in the sun, as heat stroke can cause the skin to become particularly dry and hot. Excessive sweating may result from heat stroke, but the body may also stop sweating, which impacts its ability to cool itself down. Vomiting and seizures are severe symptoms of heat stroke that require immediate attention.
Summer safety Tips Conclusion
Summer safety tips can go a long way toward protecting the health during the summer months. When construction workers work outside in the hot temperatures, it is incredibly important to follow the steps to stay safe and healthy. Regular hydration is a critical part of protecting your health during the summer.
At E.K. Bailey, we follow safe practices during construction projects in order to ensure that the project can be completed according to schedule. We also ensure that summer safety is followed to prevent additional issues. To learn more about summer safety tips or the construction services we offer, contact us today!